How Acupuncture Can Help with Morning Sickness

As a whole-body remedy for general aches and pains and a targeted treatment system for specific ailments, acupuncture is an incredibly versatile practice in the healing arts. In the hands of a seasoned practitioner, a client can find relief from the mind-numbing effects of depression, the stiffness of arthritic joints, intestinal disorders, and illnesses that trouble the entirety of the mind and body. Approaching the ancient Chinese healing discipline from a more esoteric direction, the expert application of needles to energy meridians of the human body also acts as a gateway to the spirit, enhancing wellness and widening conscious perceptions

Focusing on alleviating pain and eliminating symptoms related to illnesses, acupuncture is a natural option for patients determined to avoid the side effects that often come with medications. Western medicine saves lives every day, but there are some situations where an individual in pain or discomfort will, if possible, strive to avoid medication. For example, a believer in holistic treatments may try altering diet or turning to acupuncture before thinking to pop a few painkillers. Additionally, there's a condition of the human body that demands thought and consideration before ever taking unnecessary medicines. We're talking about pregnancy, the joyful creation of life. This unique situation requires constant consultation with medical professionals, but a woman can and does turn to other healing arts when possible.

The discomfort of morning sickness is a natural part of pregnancy. The symptoms commonly present as nausea and vomiting, and they tend to occur during the first trimester. A misnomer, morning sickness can actually happen at any time of the day, morning or night, and the sickness can drag on throughout the pregnancy. For some women, the symptoms grow to be such a strain on the body that hospitalization and intravenous feeding of medicines and nutrients are required.

Mothers-to-be Ease Morning Sickness with Acupuncture

A pregnant woman wants only to protect the developing fetus in her womb, and unnecessary medications, even for morning sickness, always carry a risk of some kind of side effect. The future mother is thinking not only of her own health but of the health of her future child, and may decide to accept the nausea and vomiting of morning sickness if this means her baby is safe from prescribed medications and their side effects. With acupuncture and holistic treatments, far from being an unavoidable part of pregnancy, morning sickness can be relieved with natural morning sickness remedies.

Prenatal care is a delicate stage for any woman. Health and general wellness are more important than ever, and the minds of both parents are anxious as they plan for the delivery date. They're concerned, in constant consultation with pregnancy health care providers, coping with morning sickness rather than treating it with medications that could complicate the pregnancy. Turning to acupuncture is a natural solution to the issue, and one that treats the discomfort and energy drain of morning sickness. It acts to ease many of the complications experienced during pregnancy, as well as to stabilize the organs within the abdomen, acting as a balm for tight stomach muscles and a natural option in IBS treatments.

Upon consulting an acupuncturist, the mother will be assessed for treatment, and her concerns will be discussed until both she and the father-to-be are fully satisfied with the course of treatment. Finally, the procedure and its benefits are fully described.

  • No side effects that could affect the fetus.
  • Calms the pregnant woman of anxious thoughts.
  • Targets internal organs and reduces hormones responsible for nausea and vomiting

Benefits of Acupuncture During Pregnancy

Side effect-free and calming to the nervous system, acupuncture is a harmonious influence on the overextended hormones of a pregnant woman. The tiny needles are painlessly and delicately inserted by a licensed NYC acupuncturist. They work quickly on the body's meridians, balancing the hormones that are responsible for the bouts of vomiting that exhaust and dehydrate the internal organs.

The therapeutic benefits of the treatment are felt quickly, allowing patients to finally keep a meal down, especially important when eating for two, and walk past food without gagging at the smell.

About The Author

Marc Bystock L.Ac. is a leading Manhattan Acupuncturist and Holistic Health Practitioner. Learn more about his services by visiting


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