How to Eliminate Severe Acne Naturally

How to Eliminate Severe Acne Naturally Dealing with severe acne on your face or throughout your body can be extremely painful, unnerving, embarrassing and difficult to treat properly. Eliminating severe acne naturally can be done with a bit of research and an understanding of the type of acne you are dealing with personally. The more insight you have into your skin type, any allergies you have, and how to reduce inflammation in your body, the easier it is to tackle the issue of severe acne. Use Toothpaste Applying a dab of toothpaste on top of any visible acne on your skin is one natural remedy that can help to reduce inflammation. Leave the toothpaste on the acne overnight or simply on the skin as a natural mask for 60 minutes. Wash the toothpaste off of the skin using a washcloth and cool water. Before using the toothpaste, consider using steam to help open the pores. You can generate steam by turning off any fans in your bathroom and running the shower with full hot water. DIY Honey...