Overcoming Depression with Natural Remedies

 Overcoming Depression with Natural Remedies

Acupuncture for Depression

Depression is a very natural emotion, and we all experience it from time to time. The most common causes are the sudden death of someone you love, emotional or physical abuse, poor diets, or a predisposition to depression, either genetic or biological.

It is when depression overwhelms you entirely for long bouts of time that it becomes a serious concern. Signs of this deep depression include the following:

  • The overwhelming feeling of loss
  • Extremely frustrated
  • Greif that cripples
  • Non-stop sorrow

Not all of us like the idea of using prescribed medications to relieve the feeling of depression. Many who suffer from this debilitating state can significantly benefit from natural remedies for depression.

Develop a Routine 

Depression eats away at the very structure of your life. Days blend together. Developing a daily routine can help get your emotions back on track. It's comforting to have a schedule you can rely on. It helps define the days, as well as get you through them.

Set Goals 

Depression makes it hard to accomplish even the simplest of tasks. By the end of the day, these unfinished chores add to the feeling of frustration. Begin to make daily goals, starting with something small. Make sure it is something you know you can handle, such as an everyday household chore. As your self-esteem and confidence build, add to your goals.


Acupuncture depression treatments restore the natural flow of chemicals and signals in the body. For people with depression, acupuncture can reduce stress, improve circulation, encourage healthier states, and reduce anxiety. In addition, it helps balance the organs, reduces pain, and restores calm to the mind.


Exercise releases endorphins in the body. Endorphins are the natural chemical within you that gives you a good feeling. The benefits can be long-term. A regular exercise routine will reprogram the brain in a more positive light. Start with short walks and build to more intense exercise programs over a more extended period you are comfortable with.

Eat a Healthy Diet 

Eating healthier is a great idea, especially if overeating is a symptom of your depressed state. Feeling in control of your diet can help lift your mood. Omega-3 fatty acids and folic acids are thought to aid in overcoming depression.

Proper Sleep 

Inadequate sleep can magnify depression. Unfortunately, depression can keep you up at night. Try a regular bedtime each night, followed by a set time to wake up. Avoid naps during the day. Remove distractions such as your mobile phone, tablet, computer, or TV from your bedroom.

Take on New Responsibilities 

Taking on additional responsibilities doesn't sound like a natural depression remedy, but it is quite useful. Don't think adding to your life will make the depression worse. Rather than withdrawing from life, get more involved. You'll be more grounded and have a feeling of accomplishment. Volunteer work is ideal. It gives you the sense of being needed, and you'll feel good helping both yourself and others at the same time.

Change the Way You Think 

While depressed, you tend to think negatively, jumping to weak conclusions. Try to think from a logical point of view. A Holistic Healer can help you incorporate this into your natural remedies. If you feel no one likes you, try to find actual evidence of it. Are you as useless as you think right now? Choose how to think of yourself and other situations.


An Herbal Practitioner can help you develop a supplement plan that will help combat your depression. There is evidence showing the correct supplements can help one overcome depression. Fish oil, SAMe, and folic acid are thought to be helpful. Each of these can be taken through supplements used in combination with a healthy diet. A herbalist can identify the exact natural supplements your body needs to restore balance and help you to feel better. Learn more about Standard Process supplements.

Try Something New 

Don't lose sight of the real adventure life can be. Depression can come from the feeling of being stuck in a rut. Push yourself to try a new experience. It doesn't have to be extraordinary or over the top. Volunteer, read a book, or visit a museum. Trying new things creates a chemical change within the brain. It also changes one's dopamine levels, which are connected to joy, pleasure, and learning. Even if nothing feels exciting, keep at it. Make time for the things you find fun.

Depression can quickly overtake your life, but it doesn't have to be that way. With the guidance of a holistic practitioner, you can incorporate many of these natural remedies into your daily life.

About the Author

Marc Bystock is a leading NYC Acupuncturist and holistic healer. Learn more about his treatments by visiting his website at https://www.holisticacupuncturenyc.com.


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