How Acupuncture Can Overcome Chronic Insomnia
Millions live with insomnia, a sleep disorder that can affect the entire body's health. These people have trouble falling and staying asleep. This lack of sleep will lead to being tired during the day, being lethargic, and just feeling under the weather. It takes a toll on the body both physically and mentally.
There are three types of insomnia.
- Transient
- Acute
- Chronic
It can affect either sex at any age, but is most common in adult females. Suffering from insomnia can affect school grades and one's performance at work. It can even lead to further complications such as anxiety, obesity, depression, poor concentration, irritability, loss of memory, lowered immune system, and delayed reaction time.
Acupuncture has been found to be very beneficial in helping those with insomnia. Many studies have proved that both people with and without major health issues can benefit from this procedure. Acupuncture can also relieve chronic pain, a common cause of insomnia.
A 2004 report stated that people suffering from anxiety use acupuncture to increase their melatonin production, thus increasing their sleep time. Those patients using acupuncture were falling asleep quicker, staying asleep longer, and experiencing less stress.
In other studies, it was found that acupuncture helped HIV patients who were experiencing insomnia. After five weeks of acupuncture treatments, their sleep patterns improved.
Acupuncture is a holistic treatment with its beginnings in ancient China. Widely practiced, it is growing in popularity as a natural remedy for insomnia as well as many other health problems. Acupuncturist in NYC use pins to stimulate nerve centers in order to get a positive response from the brain. The brain's reaction can give relief to many issues, including insomnia.
Symptoms of Insomnia
Insomnia can be experienced as little as once a month or last as long as several years in rare cases. Insomnia has many distinct symptoms. You may not be able to fall asleep at night. Even avoiding stimulants such as caffeine and establishing a routine bedtime won't help in severe cases. Some patients go for several nights in a row without rest, still unable to fall asleep.
Once an insomnia sufferer does fall asleep, they may not stay asleep. Many wake up frequently. Even if up for only a few moments, it interrupts the normal sleep pattern. Others find they are wide awake after only four to five hours of sleep. Adults need seven to eight hours of sleep each night to remain healthy. This is why Acupuncture Remedies can be extremely beneficial. Not only will they help the patient get the rest they need, but it also helps prevent future health conditions related to poor sleep.
Any one of the symptoms can leave a person feeling tired throughout the day. Untreated, insomnia leads to both physical and mental conditions. There are prescription drugs available to help patients get the sleep they need, but they may come with unwanted side effects.
How Acupuncture Helps One Get the Sleep They Need
Acupuncture is one of the Natural Insomnia Remedies proven to aid one in getting enough sleep each night. It puts the body and mind back in alignment, leaving the patient ready for a peaceful night's sleep. This holistic practice works by relieving specific causes of insomnia which are the root of this condition.
Stress is one of the leading causes of insomnia. Today's lifestyles put us under a lot of pressure both at work and at home. In addition, modern technology can allow our jobs and responsibilities to follow us wherever we go, making it hard to get away from it all for a much-needed break. Stress robs us of sleep. With regular acupuncture treatments, the effects of stress can be significantly reduced.
Depression and anxiety are becoming more and more common. Both can keep us awake at night. The mind can race with thoughts that block the body from falling asleep. Treatments for anxiety, such as acupuncture, can calm the body and mind. This makes falling asleep easier.
No matter what type of insomnia you suffer with, acupuncture can be a beneficial treatment without unwanted side effects. By treating the cause of this condition, you will soon be experiencing a peaceful night's sleep.
About The Author
Marc Bystock L.Ac. is a leading Manhattan Acupuncturist and Holistic Health Practitioner. Learn more about his services by visiting
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